Creating Custom Dialog With Dropdown Control In Omicron Control Center Custom Dialog

Welcome to the fourth part of the tutorial series about Omicron Control Center (OCC) Custom Dialog. In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a custom dialog with dropdown list control to display the enumeration data from the test object.

Now, open the OCC document that created in the first part of this series. If you don't have it, please check the first of the series (Omicron Control Center Custom Dialog - Creating Custom Dialog). I recommend to check the previous part of the series and follow the step by step procedure before checking this page because there are lots of modification made in the previous tutorials.

Download the modified XRIO from this link Omicron Control Center Automation - Custom Dialog With Dropdown Control.xrio the import this to the OCC document test object. Why? It's because, I made a modification on it so that, we can focus on this tutorial. Once, the XRIO file imported, the test object should be looks like the image above.

In the test object, check the Test Controller node and you will see that there are to parameters, the Source and the Selected Source. The Source parameter type is Enumeration type and the Selected Source is String type. The Enumeration type data is a list of strings which you can select data from the list. The String type data is parameter that can store strings data.

Our goal in this tutorial, we're going to create another custom dialog like we did at the first part of this tutorial series (Omicron Control Center Custom Dialog - Creating Custom Dialog). But in this tutorial, we're going to use textbox and dropdown list controls.

Now, open the Script window by clicking Script View button at Document Views group under the View tab the stop the script. In the script window you will see the existing codes that we did in the previous tutorials of this series.

At the end of the codes, we're going to add new Sub method called SetTheSourceController. In this method we're going to insert the code for custom curve.

Sub SetTheSourceController()

End Sub

Now, copy the code below then insert them to the top of the script module between the   BASIC_INFO_PATH and GlobalTO declaration. This constant will be use when accessing the test object data.


Next, copy the code below then paste it to at the end of the script. This code will be use to get the Enumeration data from the test object and convert it in array form.

Function GetParameterEnumList(EnumParameter As AutoParameter) As String()
	Dim Result As String
	If Not EnumParameter Is Nothing Then
		For i  = 1 To EnumParameter.ParameterEnum.EnumValues.Count
			Result = Result & EnumParameter.ParameterEnum.EnumValues.Item(i).DisplayName & ","
		Result = "-,"
	End If
	GetParameterEnumList = Split(Result,",")
End Function

Next copy the code below then paste it to at the end of the script next to GetParameterEnumList function. This code will be use to get the index of the Enumeration data value from the test object.

Function GetEnumIndex(EnumParameter As AutoParameter) As Integer
	Dim Result As Integer
	If Not EnumParameter Is Nothing Then
		For i = 1 To EnumParameter.ParameterEnum.EnumValues.Count
			If Trim(UCase(EnumParameter.ParameterEnum.EnumValues.Item(i).DisplayName)) Like Trim(UCase(EnumParameter.DisplayString)) Then
				Result = i-1
			End If
		Result = 0
	End If

End Function

Next, copy the code below the paste it to at the end of the script next to GetEnumIndex function. this code will be use to save the selected value in dropdown list control in the test object.

Sub SetEnumValue(EnumParameter As AutoParameter, ValueIndex As Integer)
	If Not EnumParameter Is Nothing Then
		EnumParameter.ParameterEnum.SetDisplayValue EnumParameter.ParameterEnum.EnumValues.Item(ValueIndex+1).DisplayName, ""
	End If
End Sub

Next, copy the code below then paste it to inside the SetTheSourceController.

	On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
	Set GlobalTO = Document.TestObjects(1).Specific

	Dim Source_Array() As String
	Dim Source_Enum As AutoParameter
	Set	Source_Enum = GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(TEST_CONTROLLER_PATH & ".SOURCE")
	Source_Array = GetParameterEnumList(Source_Enum)

	Begin Dialog UserDialog 480,105,"Source Controller" ' %GRID:10,7,1,1
		Text 10,14,140,14,"Source:",.lblSource
		Text 10,42,140,14,"Selected Source:",.lblSelectedSource
		DropListBox 160,14,300,21,Source_Array(),.dlbSource,2
		TextBox 160,42,300,21,.txtSelectedSource
		OKButton 370,70,90,21,.btnOK
	End Dialog

	Dim dlg As UserDialog

	dlg.dlbSource = GetEnumIndex(Source_Enum)
	dlg.txtSelectedSource = GetDisplayString (GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(TEST_CONTROLLER_PATH & ".SELECTED_SOURCE"))

	Dialog dlg

	SetEnumValue Source_Enum, dlg.dlbSource


	Set GlobalTO = Nothing

	Exit Sub
	MsgBox(Err.Description, vbOkOnly+ vbCritical,"Error")

Once completed, highlight the SetTheSourceController then click the User Commands button at Tools group under the Script tab. User Commands window will popup, thick on the Show as button, set the Display Name to "Set Test Controller" and set the Status bar/tooltip to "Click here to open the source test controller." then, click Apply button and close.

Close the Script window by click the Back to Report View button. Go to Home tab then click the Set Test Controller button under the User Commands group to execute the code. It should be looks like the image below.

When the Source Controller window displayed, change the source data from Source 1 to Source 2 then ignore the Selected Source textbox. Click OK button then click the Set Test Controller button again. The source data should be changed and the Selected Source textbox data should be changed from CB111 to CB112.

In the next tutorial of this series, I will show you how to get feedback when change the Source data the Selected Source data will change real time. Example, if you select Source 1, the Selected Source data will display CB111 at the same time and if you select Source 2 the Selected Source data will display CB112 at the same time. That is a real-time feedback.

For now, the overall codes should be looks like in the codes below.

' ************************************************************
' This is module *Module1 .
' Automatically generated uses comments are placed here.
' Don't edit these lines.
'#Uses "*Module1"
' ************************************************************

Public GlobalTO As XRio

Sub SetRelayInformation()
	On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
	Set GlobalTO = Document.TestObjects(1).Specific

	Begin Dialog UserDialog 480,273,"Relay Information Dialog Editor" ' %GRID:10,7,1,1
		Text 10,14,140,14,"Substation Name:",.lblSubstationName
		Text 10,42,140,14,"Substation Address:",.lblSubstationAddress
		Text 10,70,140,14,"CB Name:",.lblCBName
		Text 10,98,140,14,"Circuit Name:",.lblCircuitName
		Text 10,126,140,14,"Device Type:",.lblDeviceType
		Text 10,154,140,14,"Manufacturer:",.lblManufacturer
		Text 10,182,140,14,"Serial Number:",.lblSerialNumber
		Text 10,210,140,14,"Device Address:",.lblDeviceAddress
		TextBox 160,14,300,21,.txtSubstationName
		TextBox 160,42,300,21,.txtSubstationAddress
		TextBox 160,70,300,21,.txtCBName
		TextBox 160,98,300,21,.txtCircuitName
		TextBox 160,126,300,21,.txtDeviceType
		TextBox 160,154,300,21,.txtManufacturer
		TextBox 160,182,300,21,.txtSerialNumber
		TextBox 160,210,300,21,.txtDeviceAddress
		OKButton 370,238,90,21,.btnOK
	End Dialog
	Dim dlg As UserDialog

	dlg.txtSubstationName = GetDisplayString (GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".SUBSTATION_NAME"))
	dlg.txtSubstationAddress = GetDisplayString (GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".SUBSTATION_ADDRESS"))
	dlg.txtCBName = GetDisplayString (GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".CB_NAME"))
	dlg.txtCircuitName = GetDisplayString (GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".CIRCUIT_NAME"))
	dlg.txtDeviceType = GetDisplayString (GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".DEVICE_TYPE"))
	dlg.txtManufacturer = GetDisplayString (GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".MANUFACTURER"))
	dlg.txtSerialNumber = GetDisplayString (GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".SERIAL_NUMBER"))
	dlg.txtDeviceAddress = GetDisplayString (GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".DEVICE_ADDRESS"))

	Dialog dlg

	GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".SUBSTATION_NAME").ParameterString.SetDisplayValue dlg.txtSubstationName, ""
	GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".SUBSTATION_ADDRESS").ParameterString.SetDisplayValue dlg.txtSubstationAddress, ""
	GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".CB_NAME").ParameterString.SetDisplayValue dlg.txtCBName, ""
	GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".CIRCUIT_NAME").ParameterString.SetDisplayValue dlg.txtCircuitName, ""
	GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".DEVICE_TYPE").ParameterString.SetDisplayValue dlg.txtDeviceType, ""
	GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".MANUFACTURER").ParameterString.SetDisplayValue dlg.txtManufacturer, ""
	GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".SERIAL_NUMBER").ParameterString.SetDisplayValue dlg.txtSerialNumber, ""
	GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".DEVICE_ADDRESS").ParameterString.SetDisplayValue dlg.txtDeviceAddress, ""


	Set GlobalTO = Nothing

	Exit Sub
	MsgBox(Err.Description, vbOkOnly+ vbCritical,"Error")
End Sub

Function GetDisplayString(Parameter As AutoParameter) As String
	If Not Parameter Is Nothing Then
		GetDisplayString = Parameter.DisplayString
		GetDisplayString = "-"
	End If
End Function

Sub SetTheSourceController()
	On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
	Set GlobalTO = Document.TestObjects(1).Specific

	Dim Source_Array() As String
	Dim Source_Enum As AutoParameter
	Set	Source_Enum = GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(TEST_CONTROLLER_PATH & ".SOURCE")
	Source_Array = GetParameterEnumList(Source_Enum)

	Begin Dialog UserDialog 480,105,"Source Controller" ' %GRID:10,7,1,1
		Text 10,14,140,14,"Source:",.lblSource
		Text 10,42,140,14,"Selected Source:",.lblSelectedSource
		DropListBox 160,14,300,21,Source_Array(),.dlbSource,2
		TextBox 160,42,300,21,.txtSelectedSource
		OKButton 370,70,90,21,.btnOK
	End Dialog

	Dim dlg As UserDialog

	dlg.dlbSource = GetEnumIndex(Source_Enum)
	dlg.txtSelectedSource = GetDisplayString (GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(TEST_CONTROLLER_PATH & ".SELECTED_SOURCE"))

	Dialog dlg

	SetEnumValue Source_Enum, dlg.dlbSource


	Set GlobalTO = Nothing

	Exit Sub
	MsgBox(Err.Description, vbOkOnly+ vbCritical,"Error")
End Sub

Function GetParameterEnumList(EnumParameter As AutoParameter) As String()
	Dim Result As String
	If Not EnumParameter Is Nothing Then
		For i  = 1 To EnumParameter.ParameterEnum.EnumValues.Count
			Result = Result & EnumParameter.ParameterEnum.EnumValues.Item(i).DisplayName & ","
		Result = "-,"
	End If
	GetParameterEnumList = Split(Result,",")
End Function

Function GetEnumIndex(EnumParameter As AutoParameter) As Integer
	Dim Result As Integer
	If Not EnumParameter Is Nothing Then
		For i = 1 To EnumParameter.ParameterEnum.EnumValues.Count
			If Trim(UCase(EnumParameter.ParameterEnum.EnumValues.Item(i).DisplayName)) Like Trim(UCase(EnumParameter.DisplayString)) Then
				Result = i-1
			End If
		Result = 0
	End If

End Function

Sub SetEnumValue(EnumParameter As AutoParameter, ValueIndex As Integer)
	If Not EnumParameter Is Nothing Then
		EnumParameter.ParameterEnum.SetDisplayValue EnumParameter.ParameterEnum.EnumValues.Item(ValueIndex+1).DisplayName, ""
	End If
End Sub

See you in the next tutorial.
