GE SR750/760 Relay Tutorials - Part 3: Setup Omicron Control Center (OCC) for Testing

Welcome to the third part of GE SR750/760 Relay Tutorial series. In this tutorial, I will show you how to setup the Omicron Control Center (OCC) to test the GE SR750/760 relay. I will show you how to setup the global Hardware Configuration and device information and parameters in the Test Object.

The Omicron Control Center (OCC) is a test document that is use to combine multiple test modules in a single file like archive file. A single OCC file can be used to test a relay completely, rather than the multiple individual test modules. Click the link below to check overview about the Omicron Control Center:
Working on Omicron Control Center
If you haven't seen the second part of the tutorial of this series, click the link below.
Part 2: Connect laptop to GE Multilin 750/760 Relay and Upload/Download Relay Settings

Run the Omicron Test Universe application then click New Test Document under Control Center section. Then save the document.

First, I'm gonna setup the global Hardware Configuration. To do this, double click the Hardware Configuration to open it the click Configure button under General tab and Test Set(s) group.

Select 4x300V, 85VA @ 85V, 1Arms for the voltage source and select 3x64A, 860VA @ 50A, 25Vrms for the current source. VT/CT information can be define here by clicking Connect VT/CT buttons. Check the working on Omicron Control Center tutorial to see how to set additional information of the VT/CT. After setting up the device configuration, click OK to close this window.

You might wonder why did I selected 3x64A, 860VA @ 50A, 25Vrms, it's because the relay I'm going to test has 5 amps secondary rating. The testing might required high current. With this output the test can generate up to 64 amps three phase. Three phase voltage is also require plus single phase for GFN (Ground Fault Neutralizer) voltage. See the diagram below:

In the Analog Outputs tab, define the display name for each terminal according to the AC diagram above.

In the image below, shows the relay input and output terminals assignment on the relay.

In the Binary/Analog Inputs, define the display name for each input according to the relay outputs assignment on the assembled forms drawing above.

In the Binary/Analog Inputs, define the display name for each output according to the relay inputs assignment on the assembled forms drawing above then click OK to apply the configurations and close then save the test document.

Now, open the Test Object by double clicking on it. By default, there is one function added in the node RIO called Device, one custom block and Script Functions when in advanced mode. Set the view into Advanced so that we can add additional functions and relay parameters. To do that, click View menu the select Advanced.

Right click on the Custom node then select Details or press Ctrl+E in the keyboard then change the name to GE SR750/760 then click OK close it and apply the changes. Changing custom block name will give us easy to identify what type of relay we are working on.

Now, I will add relay parameter settings that I can use during testing. Select GE SR750/760 node and right click on it then select add block or hit Ctrl+B or click Block menu the select Add.

B1 will inserted after the block added. Double click on it or right click on it the select Details to change it's properties. In the Block Details dialog box, there many parameters that can be define. Click the Help button for further details. Set the ID to RELAY_PARAMETERS and Name to Relay Parameters as shown in the picture below. The ID property must be no space character otherwise it will give you error message. Once the details are set, click OK to close the dialog box and apply changes.

In the Relay Parameters node, I'm going to add 5 blocks inside of this node.

I'm going to set those blocks like the setting structures of the EnerVista 750/760 Setup.

Once the details are sets, the Test Object structures should be like in the image below. I have set the B1 to Device Definition, B2 to System Setup, B3 to Protection, B4 to Monitoring and B5 to Control. As you can see I didn't add other relay parameters like relay setup, logic inputs, outputs relay and modbus user map because those are not relevant for testing of that relay.

Now, I'm going to add Order Code, Version and Serial Number parameters on the Test Object Device Definition node like in the image below.

Right click on to Device Definition node then click Add Parameter. Once the Add New Parameter dialog box popup, enter the parameter ID. ORDER_CODE for order code, VERSION for version and SERIAL_NUMBER for serial number and select String data type for each parameter in the data type selection. Again, the ID must not have a space character. Use underscore symbol if you want to separate each word like I did.

Once the parameters are added, we have to change the name and set other properties so that it is easy to identify each parameter's purpose.

In the image below, shown the parameter's details are changed.

That's it for now. In the next part of the tutorial series, I will show you how to add number parameters, enumeration parameters, etc. I will show you how to link those parameters into other parameters and RIO functions. I will show you how to write formulas in the Script Function editor and I will show you how to use it.

In this tutorial series, you learned:
  • Create new test document (OCC)
  • Configure global hardware configuration
  • Setup the XRIO test object
  • Add XRIO blocks and change it's properties
  • Add XRIO parameters and change it's properties
See you next time.
